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Sarlini sneaker socks with colored lurex stripes

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Item number: 30051-006

Sneaker socks from Sarlini with colored lurex stripes in a set with two pair that have lilac and navy as base colors.

60% polyamid 33% metal-fibre 7% elastan

2 pair € 5.00
E.U.U.K.3 up to 7.5
lilac+navy (as photo)

Quantity of 1 = Set of 2 pair

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Other sneaker socks for women with stripes

With various designs
Black apollo women's sneakersocks with prints

Black sneaker socks for women with dots, stripes, and stars as design, sometimes in combination with eachother. Set of five pair.

Art. #31495-022

5 pair € 7.00

75% cotton
22% polyamid 3% elastan

Black apollo women's sneakersocks with prints
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