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Apollo men's sneaker socks in beige

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Item number: 31490

Bundle of five classic sneaker socks in a beige mix, although one of the five is ivory colored.

75% cotton 22% polyamid 3% elastan

5 pair € 6.00
E.U.U.K.3 up to 7.5

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Other beige enkelsocks for men

Soft cotton with higher heel
Sneaker socks in grey, navy, and beige

Soft cotton rich sneakersocks for men with a raised heel, so they don't slip down. On this photo in grey, dark navy, and beige. With size indication under the foot.

Art. #2113005

3 pair € 6.50

85% cotton
10% polyamid 5% elastan

Sneaker socks in grey, navy, and beige
Ultrasox with cushioned sole
Sneakersocks for men with a terry sole

Very soft beige and white seakersocks with a higher heel against slipping, and a terry sole with the size woven into it. The toe seam is flat.

Art. #sneaker-bsz-000

3 pair € 7.50

85% cotton
10% polyamid 5% elastan

Sneakersocks for men with a terry sole
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