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Long partially woolen men's kneehigh with cable

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Item number: D6684

Extra long kneehigh for men (in antracite, red, and khaki) which in Germany are mainly used for lederhosen and knickerbockers. Partially wool, and with a cable motif.

60% polyamid 30% wool 10% polyester

1 pair € 9.00
E.U.U.K.9 up to 1112 up to 14

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More knee highs with cable

Tweed with cable
Tweed knee highs for men with cable

Tweed knee high for men with a rib and a vetrtical cable in the middle. They have a little bit of wool in them, and a flat seam at the toe.

Art. #D6682

1 pair € 7.50

65% polyacryl
30% wol 5% viscose

Tweed knee highs for men with cable
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